We're sick of not living vicariously through him.
He's a fucking babe. Over the past few minutes days weeks whatever
there have been some goings on in the love life of Lukas.
For all intents and purposes love could mean a whole lot of different shit.
Lukas will be regularly checking this blog to figure out what the fuck is up
with his love life. He is obviously clueless, so he needs this as much as you and me
and Lisa and other people.
Make no mistake, motherfucker is a catch. This blog is not meant to sell the Lukas, though.
Nor is it meant to convince of Lukas' prowess at giving affection, fucks, bee-js, fingerjobs, oral, kind words, encouragement, suggestive glances, etc. and let me tell you - it's prowess. This
blog is to keep you up to date on how all the goings on in his complex love life are progressing.
You fucking wish. That's all I can say.
Now that we've established Lukas may or may not be out of your league - and that you
should not consider this blog as a Lukas marketing tool - we can get down to the dirty
business of gossiping on some sick-to-fuck-in fresh Lukas Love News.
In the coming posts we will delve into Lukas' ongoing relationship with his dog, Lisa.
They're inseparable. Some cuddling, nothing sexual. More like father and daughter maybe?
Unconditional as fuck, yo.
Lukas totally got a godddammmn mercury "I saw you" posted about him. That's tight we'll update that frequently.
There is a video store girl. She's probably perfect for him. He's probably too shy to talk to her.
Frequently sprinkled in between is a whole lotta unrequited love sent in the direction of a seemingly endless supply of gay girls. Solid.
Some would say his standards are too high.
His love is pretty pure, and he probably disapproves of this blog.
If at any point somebody feels uncomfortable about anything posted here, please let us know
and we will be sure to respectfully meet any reasonable requests. It's more for fun than
And lastly, it might be good to add that Lukas does not endorse this blog at all. Anything written here does not have pre-approval from Lukas. If I say some chilly shit, don't go blaming him - he's an innocent. This blog does not speak for Lukas.
Also it will not be checked for spelling, grammar or coherence - so you can just fuck right off.